Page name: a very backwards fireworks festival [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-23 16:39:41
Last author: wicked fae mage
Owner: wicked fae mage
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<<< Back to the backwards holidays

Nagi flushed red, "N-Nami..." he whimpered.

"You have them don't you?" Nami asked excitedly.

"Of course," Nagi said nervously. He let Nami embrace him. She kissed his cheek and he kissed the top of her head, "I wouldn't ruin your fun."

Nami laughed, "Good."

"Hey, you're eighteen too, so why did I have to buy them?"

"Because I don't know where to buy them," Nami said coyly.

Nagi sighed, "Well, when and where?"

"Tonight," Nami said before kissing him again. "And behind everybody's backs."

"As you wish," Nagi sighed.

"What are those two whispering about?" Anka asked as she glanced back and Nagi and Nami.

"Sex," Lulu replied without shifting her gaze.

"I'm referring to Nami and Nagi," Anka said dryly.

"See, I'm the one giving them some credit, now," Lulu laughed.

"I don't like being left out of plotting..." Anka whimpered.

"Me either," Lulu frowned.

"Let's investigate," Anka suggested as she stood, grabbing Lulu and forcing her to follow Nami and Nagi.

"Alright, where should we do it?" Nami asked as she glanced around thoughtfully.

"We can do it anywhere, Nami," Nagi shrugged.

"Yeah, but should we worried about being followed?" Nami asked.

"No, we've just gotta worried about being seen," Nagi replied.

"You're sure you wanna do this?" Nami asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, it's not very illegal," Nagi grinned, "So we're being just a little bit naughty."

"Only a little naughty?" Nami asked coyly.

"Well, there are worse things, like doing it when we're drunk," Nagi offered.

"That would be disastrous," Nami commented as she began mindlessly twirling her hair.

"Worried about what people will think?" Nagi guessed as he slipped his arm around Nami's.

"More worried about what I'm wearing," Nami blushed.

"I'll do all of the work," Nagi offered. "You're just a conspirator," he winked.

"Oh...kay..." she blushed even more.

"Wow, this is sounding a lot one of my smut books," Lulu remarked.

"I'm starting to think that they're really talking about sex," Anka whispered.

"Oh, well that's boring," Lulu muttered as she watched Nagi and Nami dump a bunch of fireworks onto the ground.

"Cool, they're setting off fireworks," Anka grinned.

"The good ones?" Lulu asked, suddenly interested.

"It looks like they have some big boomers," Anka confirmed. "Wanna join them?"

"Nah, we can get in serious trouble," Lulu frowned. "But we can cover for them."

"Good idea," Anka said as she and Lulu slipped away from Nagi and Nami, heading back to the cook out.

"Where'd you two get off to?" Kelly asked as she watched Anka and Lulu step out of an aclove of trees.

"Just walking around," Lulu replied nonchalantly.

"Well, the hot dogs are done," Kelly announced.

Lulu and Anka smiled, grabbing as many hot dogs as they could carry. "Alright, we can start a trend here. Hot dog eating contest," Anka said as she took a huge bite of one of hers.

"Hmmm...wouldn't we want to save that for pie?" Lulu asked.

"Good point..." Anka commented, debating. "Pie it is."

"That didn't take too long," Lulu teased.

"Well, yeah. It's pie!" Anka said enthusiastically.

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2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: How good am I at suggestive dialogue

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: very :P

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: *falls over laughing*

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: :P

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Gotta love illegal fire works

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: most def, I got to view some last year :D

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Lol I usually get to xD

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: xD yeah

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Well, I'm profiling EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER I've ever made xD

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: niiiice

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Oh, yes. Everything useless that nobody needs to ever know.

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: haha

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Justin Litten: man
Justin Litten: if you got matt truck balls for valentines day
Justin Litten: i might
Justin Litten: like
Justin Litten: quarintine you
wickedfaemage: *falls over laughing* Please do
Justin Litten is typing a message.
Justin Litten: lol alright

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: wow...

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: <<< is still snickering a bit

2009-12-19 [Ravendust]: :P I bet

2009-12-19 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, but..vibrator or truck balls?

2009-12-20 [Ravendust]: umm?

2009-12-20 [wicked fae mage]: What would piss Brandon off more?

2009-12-20 [Ravendust]: dunno xD

2009-12-20 [wicked fae mage]: Me either. But I'm voting truck balls though.

Wanna write? *gives a cute face with the adorable fangs*

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: interesting

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: A little..

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: 'vv'

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: xD Niiiice :3

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: Vampire face! Woo for <sub and </sub


2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: xDD yeah

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: I've been adding charrie profiles. And I notice that everybody is actually a person to me.

Is that weird that they're not just characters?

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: nah, it's the same for me

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: YAY! We're still freaks!

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: yay!

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: Lol well, what're you up to tonight?

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: Questing, lol

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: Lol and how effect has that been?

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: I'm coming up on 200 :D

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: Lol only 1310 more before you catch to my main

2009-12-21 [Ravendust]: lol, nice... *did the / thing again*

2009-12-21 [wicked fae mage]: Lol its alright, Dee.
Transition is weird at first.

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: omg! ABOUT TIME!!!

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: For what? They don't have sex xD
Well...not for quite some time

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: still it was left off right there lol cant help but stay right there lol you has me hanging lol

2010-01-26 [Ravendust]: lol, you should read the novel form that inspired the RP... It was soo much fun.

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: Lol in which Nami and Nagi didn't date until after the demon awakening...

They did almost have sex though, and Lulu got closer to raping him...

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: *ears perk up in major intrest*

2010-01-26 [Ravendust]: yes, yes... "How the hell did you get in here the door was locked!"

*Anka swaying drunkenly* "It was?" *tries the door* "Well... I'll be damned it is!"

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: oooooo

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: Don't forget about pulling the liquor from out of nowhere

2010-01-26 [Ravendust]: lol, yeah. I lubbles my Anka

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: My Nagi and Nami...and their names are coincidental...I found out what Nagi meant much later...though I knew what Nami meant and I didn't know until very recently that their names are the last two syllables of the names of gods...

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: wow

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, but their personalities are the same, as are their looks. Nami and Anka are still best friends and they're still super sweet and lovers of wine and wine coolers.

2010-01-26 [Fearathress]: lol i have noticed

2010-01-26 [wicked fae mage]: And Nagi is somehow still super cuddly despite being cut xD

2010-04-24 [Ravendust]: hehe, nice update, I'd have joined Nagi and Nami personally xD

2010-04-24 [wicked fae mage]: Me too...but I started craving cake and pie during the editing ><

2010-04-24 [Ravendust]: lol, nice :p

2010-04-24 [wicked fae mage]: My food cravings affect what the character are eating

2010-04-24 [Ravendust]: lol, I've noticed

2010-04-24 [wicked fae mage]: Is it that bad?

2010-04-24 [Ravendust]: nah, I do the same thing :p

2010-04-24 [wicked fae mage]: Lol common writer element....improvising

2010-04-24 [Ravendust]: *nods* indeed...

2010-04-24 [wicked fae mage]: I've learned to do it with everything from character making to lying xD

2010-04-25 [Ravendust]: xD yeah

2010-04-25 [wicked fae mage]: It makes for a good trait

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